National Commercial Lighting Incentive Resource

MaxLite-LogoWith a wide array of rebate opportunities available in the marketplace, MaxLite established a National Commercial Lighting Incentive Resource (NCLIR) as a major initiative that informs commercial facilities, contractors, and distributors of the multitude of energy-efficient lighting incentives that yield cash incentives.

In recent years, many utility services have expanded to serve increased populations, without building new power plants. To sustain their power output and retain efficiency, utilities have begun rewarding lighting suppliers that manufacture products that reduce energy consumption and costs, while at the same time delivering equal or greater lighting quality. Working closely with these electric power companies, MaxLite established the National Commercial Lighting Incentive Resource to coordinate efforts among facilities, electrical contractors, and distributors to identify lighting projects and energy-efficient solutions that reduce energy costs and generate rebates.  

“MaxLite’s Incentive Resource builds awareness for the many cash incentives available, drives business through distributors, and facilitates reimbursement for customers for using energy-efficient lighting,” said Barry Young, who serves as Commercial Utility Program Coordinator and heads-up the Incentive Center. “We develop product packages for Prescriptive Rebate Programs that specify the exact types of fixtures and savings needed, as well as the specific number of fixtures required to retrofit each project. In addition, we have the capability to create custom solutions that comply with Custom Rebate Programs requiring unique energy-efficient lighting specifications.”

An innovator of identifying and fulfilling commercial lighting incentive opportunities with utilities across the nation, MaxLite is one of the few industry suppliers that have utilized cutting-edge lighting technology to render significant energy rebates. The company’s extensive portfolio of LED (the MaxLED family), CFL, and fluorescent luminaires offers a broad range of energy-efficient solutions for commercial retrofit projects.

“As an example, with ceiling heights that are no taller than nine feet, parking garages are perfectly suited for our LED fixtures,” continued Young. “We can replace existing inefficient fixtures in commercial parking garages with new state-of-the-art LED luminaires that offer strong quality, low wattage, excellent color rendering, and a light output comparable to standard fixtures. Although ‘typical lighting fixtures’ deliver rebates from $100-$150 each, our Garage LED fixtures can earn rebates up to $300.”

For more information about energy-efficient lighting rebates, contact Barry Young of MaxLite’s NCLIR via email at [email protected].