Just as he becomes a dad for the first time, A.J. Titus is also releasing his first book based on fatherhood. The first-time author recently published the story about lessons he learned from his father and how those fundamental principles shaped his approach to business, leadership, and what he values most.
A.J. Titus is president of United Franchise Group™, a global leader for entrepreneurs, and Signarama®, the world’s largest sign and graphics franchise. He and his wife, Laura Titus, had their first child in April.
The List: Lessons from a Father, available on Amazon, passes down eighteen lessons from his father, United Franchise Group Founder and CEO Ray Titus, who shared The List of insights as he drove young A.J. to school.
At 145 pages, the book is designed so its lessons can be absorbed and applied quickly and easily, connecting the reader to The List and the reasons why it resonates through generations.
“The goal is to pay it forward,” said Titus. “The eighteen lessons are quick but direct on things that help you and things I have reflected on my entire life. The List has motivated me since I can remember, and I decided that if I could write something that could help others, including my daughter, I wanted to do it.
“I want to give back to her the same way my dad gave back to me.”

A.J. Titus’s father, Ray Titus has served as his son’s role model in both work and life. Besides founding United Franchise Group, he is an accomplished speaker and author with six published books. “The List grew from me sharing important basic principles about life, with my growing family, to now A.J. sharing it with everyone. He has taken it to a whole new level,” said Ray Titus, “Seeing The List through A.J.’s eyes has opened mine to how these simple lessons enriched our time together.”
The List: Lessons from a Father also includes wisdom from A.J.’s grandfather and United Franchise Group’s former General Manager J.J. Prendamano. A.J. recalled being late for a meeting with his grandfather early in his career. When he arrived, his grandfather wrote “Respect for Time” on a $5 bill and ripped the money in half. “You will get the other half when you respect others’ time,” his grandfather said.
A memorable demonstration for the young leader on how time equals money, the kind of reflection that makes The List, valuable to aspiring leaders and lifelong learners, passed from a father to his son, for parents, coaches, and business mentors.
And, if you are wondering, yes, A.J. still has the $5 bill.
—Press Release