SGIA Supports Next-Generation Printers at 2019 SkillsUSA Conference


With the support of member volunteers and donors, the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) will participate for its eighth year in the upcoming 2019 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC) (June 24-28; Louisville, Kentucky), a hands-on competition for career and technical education students. SGIA staff and members will coordinate, judge, and provide prizes and stipends for the event’s Graphics Imaging–Sublimation and Screen Printing Technology competitions.

SkillsUSA is a collaborative partnership of secondary and post-secondary students, teachers and industry ensuring America has a skilled workforce.

“SkillsUSA presents an opportunity for cultivating printing’s future, which is a top priority for SGIA,” said Johnny Shell, Vice President, Print Technology & Training, SGIA, and NLSC Screen Printing Technology and Graphic Imaging-Sublimation Technical Committees Chairman. “Year after year, it’s great to see these talented students eager to learn more about our industry. We are proud to continue our involvement with this event and thankful for our members who help by donating their equipment, money and time.”

Shell anticipates more than forty student participants between the two competitions, all of whom come to the NLSC having won their respective state contests. In all, the NLSC—now in its 55th iteration—will have more than 6,500 students competing in 103 distinct trade, technical and leadership competitions, from basic health care skills and prepared speech to crime scene investigation and welding.

Companies interested in donating prizes for the 2019 Graphics Imaging–Sublimation and Screen Printing Technology competitions or becoming involved for 2020 can reach out to Johnny Shell at [email protected].