As a sign shop, no matter your size, it can be stressful keeping up with shop management and customer sales during the current COVID-19 pandemic, particularly when it comes to not only trying to plan ahead but also work on the here and now. One solution that can help alleviate some of these concerns is the Business Continuity Resource Center that has been set up by the International Sign Association.
Lori Anderson, president and CEO of the International Sign Association, says:
“It’s hard to plan for an event like this, when we’ve never really faced anything like it before. It is moving so quickly that it can be hard to keep up, especially when you have other, more pressing issues like keeping production lines open, paying rent or mortgages, and keeping customers happy. ISA has put together a Business Continuity Resource Center to manage the constant flow of information. We’re updating this frequently with information about ways that our industry can play a role in solving this crisis.
“In many cases, sign, graphics, and visual communications companies provide essential services, particularly to retailers, healthcare facilities, and the like. In areas where there has been some sort of clear mandate to cease operations, it is important that we seek an exemption to ensure that we can continue to provide our services to our customers, who depend on our help. It’s also important to stay up to date on state and federal relief packages and how they impact our employees and our businesses. Many of these are based on number of employees, so the treatment of smaller mom-and-pop shops and larger companies may be different. ISA’s Advocacy team has been working on this front and is providing updates at the BCRC.
“It’s a hard time to sell our products, and consumers seem sensitive to being sold or marketed to at this point. That said, there clearly is a need for our products and our expertise. Imagine a hospital that has set up a makeshift testing area. Signs are the absolute best way to direct people who are coming onto their property, unfamiliar with the location. Use your social media channels, e-mail, and other touchpoints to let your existing clients know your operational plans and how you might be able to help. A broader statement, perhaps on your Web site or phone message, can potentially reach those who desperately need your services at this time.
“We’re all in this together—and we will emerge on the other side. This is the time to allow ISA to do what we do best: serve as a resource that benefits the entire industry.”
To access the BCRC, visit http://signs.org/bcrc.