Contra Vision has launched a brand-new Website making it the most comprehensive site in the world for product information, technical know-how, and inspirational ideas for the world of one-way vision graphics.
The Website has always been a popular destination for printers and specifiers, but the new site has included over 200 new pages filled with fantastic ideas of how Contra Vision® one-way graphics can be used. To date Contra Vision has identified over 100 ways that their perforated film has been applied by marketing agencies and specifiers across the world for branding, advertising, information, privacy, and glass enhancement purposes.
The new Website is divided into several sub-sites which are all easy to navigate and helps each customer group find relevant products and information.
These five sub-site include: Perforated Window Vinyl, Privacy Window Films, Architectural Glass, Inspiration, and Digital.
Some of the key sections include:
Print Home: a dedicated homepage for printers, with links to all the information they will ever need;
Perforated Image Previewer (PIP): a great tool for customers to see what their graphics will look like when printed on different transparencies;
Technical Hub: features datasheets for specifiers, installers, and machine operators about how to print, how to apply, and much, much more
Inspiration: aimed at OOH agencies, marketers, visual merchandisers, graphic designers, and anyone looking for their next big idea, they will find one hundred-plus applications, case studies, and images galore;
100 Applications: identifying over 100 ways where One-Way Vision graphics have been used in a creative way;
Meet the Team: where customers will find the Contra Vision key customer facing teams from around the world, along with their contact details and photos; and
Find a Distributor: up-to-date details of all global distributors so that printers can find where to buy Contra Vision products.