FDC Graphic Films, Inc., has launched a new and improved Web site to bring in the new decade. To complement the previous addition of an exceptional Distributor Locator map to select any distributor across the U.S. and Canada, FDC ensures visitors can easily browse the site with improved navigation.

Searching for products is now more user-friendly too, with a robust site search feature casting the most up-to-date information available, including all services and a wide variety of products such as fact sheets and regulatory compliance documents.
“The new, engaging experience throughout the FDC Web site enables consumers to more easily locate our product brands and those distributors who sell them,” said Laura Reid, FDC Vice President of Marketing. “The mobile-friendly user interface also allows for easy access to information while on-the-go.”
FDC is one of the sign-making industry’s leading suppliers of sign vinyl films, digital media, overlaminates, banners, and heat transfer films with warehouses and converting facilities in both South Bend, Indiana and in Reno, Nevada. Founded in 1988, FDC operates as a master distributor and converter of wide format digital media, digital overlaminate films, digital banner, sign, and heat transfer films. The company markets, converts and distributes leading brands such as Lumina®, 3M, RTape, and ASLAN exclusively through distribution channels. FDC’s 120 employees serve more than 1,000 customers in all 50 states and in Canada. Learn more at www.fdcfilms.com.
FDC is committed and consistently working to make it easier for customers to do business and welcomes feedback at www.fdcgraphicfilms.formstack.com/forms/idea_feedbackform.