Owner/developer WIN Properties added a large double-sided LED billboard to its auto-center in Carson, California, on the eastbound side of Interstate 405/San Diego Freeway. The sixty-four-foot-tall pylon faces east- and westbound traffic on the busy highway and features promotional content for Hyundai Carson and Chevrolet of Carson.
Electra-Media, Inc. (EMI) oversaw the digital enhancement project, selecting 12 mm EMPIRE™ Exterior LED video technology for the new double-faced LED billboard.
“We have had great reports from the client on the digital billboard,” said Liz Aguayo, digital media manager for EMI. “The dealers have stated that SNA Displays has a good, quality display that has attracted much attention and new business to the dealerships.”

Each face of the double-sided pylon is 14-feet-2-inches-high-by-47-feet-10-inches wide (360-by-1,215 pixels).
“It’s increasingly important for properties, particularly those located close to busy highways, to invest in digital display technology to improve the visibility, clarity, and quality of their message,” said Raymond Jonathan, senior project manager at SNA Displays. “Whether it’s a technology refresh or a new installation, we approach each job with the mindset of ensuring our client gets the most from their digital signage investment.”
San Diego Electric Signs provided installation services.
—Press Release