BMG Now Carries the Vescom Line of Digital Wallcoverings

BMG is pleased to announce the addition of the Vescom line of digital wallcoverings to their Digital Décor Suite. Vescom BV is known for their high-end line of Type II vinyl embossed media and are the world’s largest commercial wallcovering company. In a world of increasing personalization, digitally printed wallcovering is the trendiest way to produce unique wall decoration. Digital wallcovering is more immediate, cost-effective and individual than anything that’s been available to the interior décor industry in the past.

“Customizable wallcovering is creating a growing target market for the large format print industry,” says BMG’s Product Line Specialist, Jaimie Mask, “and the Vescom line of wall paper is a perfect complement to our existing digital décor portfolio, offering a variety of new finishes. Also, the products are Type II (ASTM F793) compliantfor durability, ideal for use in commercial environments that are subject to wear and tear.”

Compatible with Latex, UV and Eco-solvent ink technologies, Vescom wallcovering is the industry’s cleanest Type II PVC and meets stringent EPA requirements for low-VOC emitting products. It’s non-phthalate and formaldehyde-free, commercial-grade media with a Class A fire rating.

To receive more information about these innovative new products, visit or