Delcam Schedules FREE Webinars on ArtCAM Artistic CADCAM Software

Delcam has scheduled a series of FREE webinar demonstrations of ArtCAM Express and ArtCAM Insignia, versions of the ArtCAM range of artistic CADCAM software from Delcam. At the first webinar on Friday October 17, Delcam will be exploring some of the great design and manufacturing features of ArtCAM Insignia, the introductory 3D modelling and production machining software package. Please note: This demonstration will be based in the UK and will be in BST time. For further details and to register for the webinar, please go to

Following the October 17 webinar will be a FREE webinar on October 28th on how to create 3D textured Panels. This demonstration is based in North America and will be in EST. To register for this webinar, please email Scott Ingram [email protected]

Unlike most other CADCAM systems, the ArtCAM range is aimed at artisans and craftspeople rather than engineers, and requires little knowledge of engineering or computing. It has been particularly successful in the sign making, woodworking, and engraving industries. In these areas and in other artistic applications, ArtCAM software allows users to increase productivity, improve quality and deliver new designs more rapidly than with traditional methods. Users are able to combine their craft skills and creativity with the power and precision of computer-aided manufacturing.
ArtCAM Express is the entry-level version designed for hobbyists and users new to CNC.  The program offers 2D drawing, over 600 free pieces of relief clipart, and 2D and standard 3D machining functions, for only US$149 it provides an ideal introduction to computer-based manufacturing for companies involved in areas of decorative metalworking and woodworking.  A trial version can be downloaded from

ArtCAM Insignia is a professional version that includes additional tools for 3D design and manufacturing.  As well as allowing users to create more complex designs, these extra options allow quick and efficient manufacture of multiple copies of designs by CNC machining.  The trial version is available from