Global Imaging Launches Unified Online Portal

Global-ImagingA new online portal called Grand Format Success ( allows businesses in the wide and grand format industry to easily access new or used equipment, affordable inks and media, financing options, and strategic planning. 

The online portal unifies the brands of Panoply Finance, Global Imaging, Global Garage, and Panoply Supplies. “We wanted to provide anyone in the wide and grand format business the convenience of an online resource that serves as a gateway to finding the right products and services to accommodate their needs,” said Tara Lamb, president of Global Imaging.

The idea for the site came when Lamb and her team realized that customers utilizing one of the companies’ services or products would also take advantage of another company such as Panoply Supplies or Panoply Finance for additional support. “Why not provide one place where customers could pick and choose from our wide range of products and services based upon their needs,” she said.  “We have always been able to provide a complete array of products and services as well as the experience and knowledge to assess our customers’ whole business and offer solutions tailored to their specific business challenges. Now they can find all of these offerings in one centralized place.”

The site is one of the first of its kind in the industry, according to Lamb.  As the site grows, she hopes to include additional information about industry news and trends. “We are excited about providing this new industry tool that enables anyone in the wide and grand format business to benefit from the experience and resources available through the Grand Format Success portfolio of companies,” she said.