“Because I’m an engineer, I am very curious about technical specifications,” says David Shykula. “So I took my time researching all of the sign manufacturers. I knew that the quality of the signs could make or break our business, so I weighed our options very carefully.”
KULA Media ended up going with Watchfire Digital Outdoor boards. The company purchased two, 16mm color LED billboards that are 10 feet-by-19 feet, 10 inches. The billboards stand back-to-back at a red-light intersection in Foothills Industrial Park in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. “It’s a wonderful location for digital billboards, and it’s made for a great start for KULA Media,” says Shykula.
KULA Media chose Watchire for its commitment to quality. “Watchfire only uses the highest quality LEDs, they have the most comprehensive five-year warranty, and the best sign calibration around,” says Shykula. “And each sign has fully encapsulated modules to seal out moisture. I also appreciate that Watchfire LED signs consume less energy.”
Within a month after installing the billboards, KULA Media had 50 percent of the signs leased. Within two months, the signs were fully leased. Today, the company has a waiting list for ad space on the sign, and thanks to Watchfire’s Ignite™ Online software, the messages have evolved from text-only to more professional-looking advertisements. “The billboards have been up almost six months, and I’m still receiving regular calls from people who want to know everything about them,” says Shykula. “They look that great.”